The Gardeners of Salonika. The Macedonian Campaign 1915-1918.
A long neglected campaign, derided by many politicians in London and Paris, but fought by troops from seven allied nations in harsh Balkan terrain and ended by the earliest victory in 1918.

Metternich Councillor of Europe
A biography of the statesman whose diplomacy outwitted Napoleon and who, as Austrian Chancellor, dominated Europe until his fall in 1848. Outside politics, he was a bon viveur with a sardonic sense of humour and prone to scandalous love affairs.

Alexander I Tsar of War and Peace
This life of the most intriguing Tsar used new sources to find hidden depths of frustrated ambition, guilt over the circumstances of his accession and a constant search for spiritual guidance in a ruler hailed as Europe's liberator and creator of a Holy Alliance

Napoleon in Russia
Triumph and disaster in the 1812 campaign based on contemporary letters and memoirs.

Contrasts in character within the public and private lives of Germany 's Iron Chancellor.

The Kaiser: Warlord of the Second Reich.
The life of 'Kaiser Bill' emphasising his struggle to conceal his physical disabilities and his love/hate attitude to England.

Victory 1918
How action in major theatres of war and sideshows came together to snatch victory from defeat in the autumn of 1918

Napoleon and Marie Louise, The Second Empress
An extraordinary marriage that influenced events as late as 1940

Northern Shores. A history of the Baltic Sea and its peoples

The Baltic: A New History of the Region and its People
This is the U.S.A. title of Northern Shores

The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
A survey of the changing fortunes of the Turks from their failure to take Vienna in 1683 to Kemal's establishment of a republic in 1923

The East End
London's Dockland from the days of Pepys to the transformation at the end of the twentieth century.
This book, with an introduction by London's great chronicler Peter Ackroyd, seeks to capture the spirit of the East End and its people, of those who have left their mark on it and those whose lives were marked by it for ever.

The Twilight of the Habsburgs.
The life and times of Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria 1848-1917 and King of Hungary from 1867. I am the first biographer to have been given access to the diary of his mother Archduchess Sophie, and to have used the printed poetical journal of Empress Elisabeth, the legendary 'Sisi'.

Dictionary of Twentieth-Century History
"Mr Palmer compresses with such skill that he can get an intelligible account of two world wars into less than two pages“

Dictionary of British Empire and Commonwealth
A reference companion covering most aspects of life from the loss of the American colonies to the end of apartheid, the including political and social institutions, religion, entertainment and sport

The Salient. Ypres, 1914-1918
(forthcoming in paperback Autumn 2016)

An Encyclopaedia of Napoleon's Europe

The Lands Between. A History of East-Central Europe 1815-1965

The Banner of Battle: The story of the Crimean War

Bernadotte: Napoleon's Marshal, Sweden's King

Crowned cousins: the Anglo-German Royal Connection

The Chancelleries of Europe. The working of diplomacy 1815-1918
And with Veronica Palmer:

Chronology of British History

Royal England: A Historical Gazetteer

Who’s Who in Bloomsbury

Who’s Who in Shakespeare’s England

A Dictionary of Historical Quotations
Links to websites where Alan Palmer’s books are available to buy: